Appointments & Fees
€95 Euro per 50 minute session.
Reduced Rate: €70 , inter alia, Fire Brigade Officers , Full-time Students , Unemployed , Off-Shore residents, Retired, Over 65, Single Parents and others. Please ask.
Fees are tax deductible and may be claimed from your health insurance provider
Payment is due at the end of each session.
IBAN : IE 10 AIBK 9321 0812 1890 44
24 hours cancellation notice is required to avoid a cancellation fee.
Weekdays including Saturday Face 2 Face appointments available
PREMIER ZOOM FACILITIES and PHONE IN SERVICES offer Countrywide and Off-Shore Sessions even in the worst weather conditions 087 1655 673.
email : [email protected].

CBT Radio Interview
Thought For The Day
You cannot get into an argument without your full consent "We don’t inherit Anxiety Disorders (Social Anxiety,Fear of Flying, Panic Attacks etc.). What we do inherit is a General Personality Type that predisposes some to be overly anxious and others to have a degree of protection against developing Anxiety Disorder. Biologically- Short form of Chromosome 17 v Long Form of Chromosome 17" It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.(Epictetus 55 AD)